Conceptualize: Accelerator Workshop Leadership
“I need to develop and test a new concept in a process that gets the whole team bought in early.”
The opposite of “what’s really so” is “Really: So, what?!” Dense, fancy PowerPoint decks with big price tags aren’t our jam. You don’t need 50 things to chase. You need a short list of the critical ones. You need to process them with your trusted internal subject matter experts in a short, fast-paced workshop to conceptualize your next moves. Let us unlock a few key insights that will move your business forward and get you started applying them sooner rather than later with a blueprint to action, not a dissertation.
What could be part of your Conceptualize phase?
- A single-day “accelerator” workshop as the centerpiece
- Includes 8-12 of your key marketing, sales, professional education, product development, information technology or clinical partners – whomever will be key to bringing your strategy to life
- Real-time interviews with the end users of your concept: potential customers who will use it or sales representatives who will sell it
Critical Deliverable
A program or product concept tested, refined, and ready to move into action.